Destress For Life Video For Relaxing And Releasing Your Stress


People in the world today are facing extreme financial pressures and, in some cases, are also being denied their fundamental human rights.

Once trusted media are now spreading false narratives, and social media is preventing free speech.

We are seeing food shortages worldwide. Goods such as automobiles are in short supply. Gas prices are at extreme highs, as are food and other necessities.

On top of that, businesses have been dying, and people are losing their jobs due to non-scientific government-invented medical facts.

But perhaps, you are not affected by these global problems, and your stress-related problems are of the old-fashioned type.

You may feel the constant stress and exhaustion trying to balance work, relationships, kids, and other responsibilities.

Either way, it has been proven that constant stress can be a killer.

Before covid, the American Psychological Association reported that 1 in 2 women said stress negatively impacted their lives. And men didn’t fare much better – 4 out of 5 men said that stress was a big problem.

As you’ve probably heard, too much stress increases your heart attack and stroke chances. It also lowers your immune system.

Pre covid, many studies suggest you may be more likely to develop deadly diseases related to stress. With covid, it has been proven!

So, what do you do when surrounded by a constant media barrage of gloom and doom? Family and friends shunning you because of personal choices that you’ve made. And financial problems, job insecurity, and many other things making life downright overwhelming?

But imagine if you could relax your whole body in minutes, releasing every ounce of stress and tension you collected during the day …

Imagine that you could relax so completely that you actually felt the warmth and calmness spreading through every cell of your body … becoming and remaining calm within minutes – no matter how stressful a situation you find yourself in.

Our De-Stress for Life program gives you that step-by-step process for relaxing and releasing your stress.

Inside you’ll get:

  • 3 powerful relaxation “triggers” you can use in minutes
  • The 3,000-year-old stress-release technique
  • How to stop “spinning” thoughts (helps you fall asleep faster!)
  • Two little words you can use to banish nervous tension
  • How to blast negative thoughts away (and replace them with better, positive images)
  • The 6-second exercise that instantly melts stress from your body
  • The secret eye trick to help you stay focused under stress
  • How to turn “stress” into “success” using only your imagination
  • Targeted exercises to relax your mind and body

“(I loved) the ease of delivery and the practical, real-life examples.” – John Blair, Navigator, Canadian Forces, Major

“Destress For Life is simple and concise and very easy to incorporate into any lifestyle, also portable!” – Mary Ruth Crosby, Student & Mom

“It was informative and fun. I know that I am going to have a great sleep tonight. Very good information. Very well presented.” Janice Comeau, Clerk Dept of Transportation

“De-Stress for Life taught me some great ways to help with stress and never to stop reaching for things you want.” – Brent Meista

With De-Stress For Life, You, Too, Can:

  • Perform better under pressure
  • Improve your overall health
  • Feel more at peace with your life
  • Feel more rested, focused, and in control
  • Stay balanced and grounded
  • Get a sound and restful sleep
  • Achieve mental clarity and increased productivity

Get the De-Stress for Life Program for only $47 USD


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