How To Heal From Criticism, Insults, Abuse, And Rejection


Ronda's Book Signing at Chapters

What is How to Heal from years of criticism, insults, abuse and rejection?

“This is not just another ‘solve-all-your-problems-by-thinking-positive-self-help-book’ … readers will reap the rewards (and) journey to healthy, conscious and joyful living.”
Patrice M. Perillo
M.S.S., L.C.S.W. Life Coach Core Values Living – California

This book is about discovering:

  • What causes your low self-esteem or pain
  • How  to stop the negative feeling you get when dealing with people who did you wrong
  • How to heal from years of criticism, insults, abuse and rejection
  • How to regain your power and show confidence in dealing with all types of people
  • Discovering the person you were meant to be


This Book Is Free

All we ask is that you help us cover shipping and handling costs.

Check Out What Others Are Already Saying About the How To Heal book...

“I strongly encourage you to read this book from cover to cover and give yourself five consecutive 1-hour sessions with the exercises. You will become happier, healthier, wiser and look younger because all that old ‘garbage’ is gone! You’ll begin to see life in a brand new way, guaranteed!”

– Dr. Donna Schwontkowski – California

“For days after reading this book my mind continued to connect past incidents where negative beliefs were formed. Every moment spent helped me put those limiting negative beliefs behind me. Wow – what an impact this book has made on my life – let the changes begin!!” 

– Michele McQuade Timberlee, Nova Scotia

“The ‘How To Heal from years of criticism, insults, abuse and rejection’ book is a useful guidebook written with compassion and intention for living a better life from the inside out. The workbook section is so valuable in identifying stages of trauma and recovery.”

– Catherine Thomas, Santa Rosa – Feldenkrais Practitioner

“I realized this book is a very useful tool for many individuals as well as professionals. In my profession, this book will be an easy read for my clients. I believe … a way for clients to become unstuck in their present-day challenges and help move them forward to a very productive life. The subject matter is one that most individuals can relate to about themselves, family members and friends. If it does not relate to you, it may help you understand others and their behaviours; I recommend you read this book.”

– Johnette Carli, BSW, RSW Long-term Child Protection Worker Nova Scotia

“A beautiful book – you show how our thoughts/beliefs hold us back, and how we now can do something about it, the results are wonderful. I would recommend this book to anyone who has the courage to look deeply within, with love.”

– Jan Vecchio Accountant, California

“The “How To Heal” book was such an easy read, yet full of amazing insight! Ronda’s transparency helped me to process and somehow simplify my own painful past. The workbook strategies had a HUGE impact on my willingness and ability to heal ugly, old emotional wounds. It’s also helpful in preventing current situations from becoming old wounds. Every therapist should recommend this book!”

– Jackie Brendel, California

I received this wonderful text (book) during a stressful week at work and had planned to read it over the weekend. However, that small voice within me said, read it now. I followed the voice and was immediately engaged in the words. I had a bad day at work, and here I was reading about myself!! I immediately recognized the desire within me to control how people felt about me – my quest to please everyone. I reflected on my childhood, how I constantly tried to please my domineering father and how my efforts were not recognized until he was on his dying bed. I realized after reading this wonderful book, I asked for my pain. My trying to live up to someone’s expectations. Expectations that you really don’t have any idea what they are, yet you strive to look good – set you up for pain. Thank you, Ronda, for that insight you have given me through your words.

– Sharon McGaugh – Florida

Lynne turns the tables and interviews Stephen.

Special Bonus:

You Will Also Receive our De-Stress For Life Video Program.

Inside you’ll get:

  • Three powerful relaxation “triggers” you can use in minutes
  • The 3,000-year-old stress release technique
  • How to stop “spinning” thoughts (helps you fall asleep faster!)
  • Two little words you can use to banish nervous tension
  • How to blast negative thoughts away (and replace them with better, positive images)
  • The 6-second exercise that instantly melts stress from your body
  • The secret eye trick to help you stay focused under stress
  • How to turn “stress” into “success” using only your imagination
  • Targeted exercises to relax your mind and body

Here's What To Do Next

Like I mentioned before, this book is free. All I ask is that you help us cover shipping and handling costs.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering…

There Is No Catch!

I know some websites out there offer you something for free, and then at some point, they start charging your card every month.

We will not do that.

There’s NO hidden “continuity program” – and in case you’re wondering why we’re doing this…

1Well, there are a few reasons…

1. Ronda’s turning 62 this year, and she wanted to turn the tables and give you a gift. (neat, huh?)

2. Because we have a limited number of books, and don’t plan on ordering more, we wanted to get what’s left into the hands of someone that could really use it. And, after what we’ve all just been through, now seems like the perfect time to do that.

3. Also, when you read Ronda’s book and reap the benefits from it, there may be other things that you want help with. Things that our NLP Coaching and NLP Training Online can help you with.

4. We started our business to help people cope better with life’s problems, and help them become more successful. And, now, after 21 years, that’s still what our hearts guide us to do. The world has entered some dark times. If we can bring some light and love back to it, then we’re fulfilling our original goals.

Time Is Of The Essence...

Here’s why…

We have a very limited number of books left.

This offer will be seen by you and all visitors to our site, plus all our students and customers in 39 countries.

If this page is still up – then the offer is still here, but I can’t say for how long…

This Is Truly A Limited Offer, So Claim Your FREE Copy Now Before They're All Gone...

We are only giving you 5 days to decide because we want everyone who wants a free book to get one. 

Frankly, I’ll be surprised if you don’t act immediately.

Remember, we have a limited number of books.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Bob Clarke

P.S. In case you’re one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:

I’m mailing you a real book, How to Heal From Years of Criticism, Insults, Abuse and Rejection (that retails at $19.97 USD) for FREE. Yes, this book is free, and all you pay is a small fee for shipping and handling.

There’s no catch… no gimmicks… You will NOT be signing up for any “trial” to some monthly program or anything like that.

So, Click the button below to get your FREE copy now. You’ll always be glad you did.