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Modelling Excellence – Discover the Power of a Simple Coaching Technique

Modelling Excellence: The observation and modelling of excellent people in their chosen field gave NLP all the techniques, processes and strategies that make it so powerful.

Virginia Satir was one of the first and most important people that John and Richard modelled.

But the method of observation used by the creators of NLP was in no way ordinary.

Modelling Excellence – Dr. John Grinder’s Definition Of NLP

When Dr. John Grinder and Dr. Richard Bandler set out to map out the techniques and processes of the most influential and advanced Doctors, Psychologists, Scientists, Salespeople and other professionals of the day, they created a whole new method we now call Modelling Excellence.

They were not doing this for the purpose of entertainment or to write books. No, the purpose behind their methods of observation was for Modelling Excellence so that they could pass on the “How To” abilities of these great people to others like you and me.

And not only did they make amazing discoveries in their observations, but they’ve also helped millions to advance in their fields by using this Modeling Excellence technique.

This is a technique you can easily learn in our NLP Training Online.

The First Step

The first step to Modeling Excellence is to find some amazing person who is excellent at what they do and then use what you’ve learned through your NLP Training to Model them to perfection.

When done correctly, the end result is you think and do exactly as your excellent model does…as if by magic.

And who better to use in Modeling Excellence for coaching than Virginia Satir? She was definitely one of those amazing people with abilities that stumped most ordinary observers.

What Virginia could do with families with serious problems was magical.

So, imagine being a fly on the wall in a room with Virginia Satir, the mother of family therapy, watching as she interacts with a client’s family.

As Virginia Satir utters a short command, combined with a simple touch on a man’s lower arm, you observe a confrontational husband suddenly becoming passive and responsive to her suggestion – as if controlled by an overwhelming power!

What was so different about the simple words she spoke?

Who Else Can You Model For Excellence?

And Virginia Satir is just one of a fantastic group of people whose methodologies have helped create NLP, which has changed countless people the world over forever.

So, will you be one to Model Excellence? And if so, who will you choose to model with your NLP skills first?