Learn from these NLP Superstars simply by listening to  

The NLP Success Strategies Interviews


NLP Success Strategies: Whether you’re new to NLP and want to know who uses it and how, or you’re planning your future business, the knowledge you will gain by listening to these experts will save you years of hard work and thousands of dollars. Not to mention increasing your ability to succeed at an extremely high level.

Your NLP Success depends on your NLP Strategies.

How To Reach The Top

NLP tips and lessons from our student and Emmy nominated television host, known to audiences worldwide for his work on E – Entertainment Television. But most proud of helping his family.

Hesitating to start your own business? Well, you won’t after listening to this Professional Life and Business Coach. Starting with ‘The One Key Skill’ in the first three minutes and never letting up.

She transferred from being a trained psychologist into specializing in spiritual mind-body healing due to personal health issues. And her client’s lives have been improving ever since. Listen to her journey

Entrepreneur-owner working in the Legal Accounting Industry. Specializing in Accounting Conversions and the hiring process has given her a huge advantage. It all adds up, listen and learn!

Extraordinarily successful at making others successful. Working with individuals and organizations, delivering what’s needed most, helping ineffective salespeople, intimidated managers and reluctant leaders. Listen in to find out how.

This International Kettlebell & Fitness Federation Operations Director teaches certification workshops worldwide, and helps children improve their fitness, self-confidence and overall health. Learn how being congruent in your life guarantees success and happiness. 

With a Masters Degree in Human Kinetics she’s a Consultant and Coach Specializing in Sports Psychology and shifting states of Excellence. Negative Self Talk is something we all have, but if you can’t cut through it how can you ever succeed? Listen in now.

This Author, Consultant, NLP Trainer Coach, Speaker, Professor, explains how and why he switched gears and moved toward personal development. Explaining the importance of living your life through your own value system. Also recognizing if it really is yours.

It’s not how smart you are, it’s how well you learn that’s the key, and it’s easier than you think. This Professor, Scientist, NLP Trainer with 30 years experience working with Business, Government and Academia explains.

Learn how this professional Mediator resolves conflict and moves forward by providing a caring mediation environment that is safe, balanced and secure. Sooner or later we will need these skills to protect ourselves or loved ones.

Having discovered her patients physical problems were caused by their emotional states was a breakthrough. But her delivery of optimum health for them came when she learned to shift their emotional states.

This licensed behavioural health specialist combines traditional psychotherapy, mindfulness and NLP to help people recover from anxiety, depression and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Being Yourself – Therapist, coaches, clients – all benefit.