Patrick Mazor: Success Strategies Interview by Ronda

This month, Ronda’s guest on Success Strategies with the Experts is Patrick Mazor, Professional Life and Business Coach, Trance worker Reiki Master and much more. Listen to Ronda and Patrick now.
Listen in to discover the strategies, tips, and tools for building a successful business and life.
(Scroll down to see the Bonus NLP technique before listening)
Discover The Strategies: Bonus NLP technique!
Have an intent before reading, listening, or watching information.
I.E., ask yourself questions about what you want to gain from the information. To help you out, we have created some questions below.
Ask yourself these questions before listening to the audio:
● When starting a business, what are some things people need to consider or do?
● What did Pat mean when he said that your business owns part of you too?
● What did Ronda mean when she said, “That is being congruent with what you were doing”?
● When Pat works with coaches, what’s the first thing that he does with them?
● Why does Patrick ask his coaching clients if they know about business or how much they know about business and running a business?
● What’s important about knowing where you are now in your life and what your foundation is?
● What does Ronda say is one of the key strategies for success?
● What are the main two reasons Ronda says people get into NLP?
● Why did Bob and Ronda create the NLP training
● What enables Pat to give more to his clients than he would’ve
● Ronda says in any business situation, life situation, or
coaching, what is definitely key?
● Why is finding out a person’s representational system so important when dealing with them in business, life, or any situation?
● How does Patrick make money even when he’s not working?
● What technique did Pat use to help a client overcome his confidence
● What does Pat say he comes away with having after helping
someone have a great experience in a coaching situation?
● What led Pat to start coaching for coaches?
● Pat says we can’t really be good partners, spouses, parents,
business partners, or anything really unless we’re what first?
● What do Ronda and Pat agree on that is the best success strategy?