“If your success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good in your heart, it is not success at all. “ – Anna Quindlen

Remember years ago, when you had hopes, dreams, and expectations that filled you with positive emotional power?
Are you wondering where your joy and energy went? Do you feel that there seems to be “something missing” – but you can’t figure out what? Worse, you can’t quite seem to figure out how to fix it?
Perhaps you’ve developed a craving for unhealthy foods… you work too many hours… repeat negative emotional patterns… have problems with procrastination… or some other self-destructive habit. Whatever it is that you’re doing now, one thing is clear – it’s not working for you.
Because you want more. You want to do more, achieve more, love more, succeed more, give more. In short, you want a life of MORE.
Let us help you achieve MORE
Life Potential Developments Life Coaching program can help you identify your personal blocks to success, happiness, and fulfillment. We’ll help you eliminate those blocks, and replace them with effective and powerful strategies that work for you.
Imagine being able to quickly and easily overcome lifelong phobias… release old emotional hurts, transform traumatic events… be more emotionally balanced… enjoy more respectful, mature and loving relationships with your family and friends… energize your financial potential… earn the respect of everyone you meet…
…Imagine living the life you deserve!
The world has become more difficult, more stressful, and more competitive. It is not a secret anymore that anyone who wants to achieve greater success and fulfillment in their personal and professional life uses a personal coach. CEOs, professional athletes, real estate agents, movie stars, business managers, politicians, and more use personal coaches.
Personal coaches help their clients pinpoint limitations, eliminate mental and emotional blocks to success, and provide needed support.
The Life Potential Developments’ Life Coaching program does all that and more. Unlike many other coaching programs, we use a combination of NLP techniques, Humanistic Neuro-Linguistic Psychology, and Time-Based Techniques to achieve long-lasting, real-world results in the shortest possible time. And our programs are designed for flexibility, so you can choose the coaching package that’s just right for you!
Break-Thru Bronze – Basic
Feel like you’re in a rut? Got a habit you’d like to break? If you’ve got a specific issue you’d like to work through, this is the package for you.
Two hours of intensive coaching to help you define a specific goal and objectives, develop a practical action plan and know how to use it to achieve exceptional results.
Break-Thru Silver – Intermediate
If you’ve been struggling for months or years with emotional pain and stress and you just can’t seem to put it behind you, it’s not your fault! Emotional damage can impact you in ways you’re not even aware. But you don’t have to suffer anymore.
In six hours of intensive coaching, we’ll help you uncover the source of your pain. More important, you’ll gain the tools to help you resolve and eliminate old issues – even if they’ve plagued you for years!
Break-Thru Gold – Advanced
Be more powerful, resourceful, and efficient! Discover your full potential and eliminate whatever blocks and limits you! Create the life you want more quickly than you ever thought possible!
Twelve hours of intensive coaching will help you “Break-Thru” your barriers and charge forward to success. If you’ve got the drive and commitment to transform your future – this is the package for you.Begin your new life now by choosing the Life Coaching Package that’s right for you. Call us today for a FREE consultation, or to schedule your first session.