Cutting Through Negative Self Talk With Sports Psychology

Lise Valcour: Success Strategies Interview by Ronda

Lise Valcour Success Strategies

Ronda’s guest on Success Strategies with the Experts is Lise Valcour. Lise has a master’s Degree in Human Kinetics and is a Consultant and Coach Specializing in Sports Psychology and shifting states of Excellence. Listen now and shift into your excellence.

Cutting Through Negative Self Talk

(Scroll down to see Bonus NLP technique before listening)

Bonus NLP technique!

Have an intent before reading, listening, or watching information.
I.E., ask yourself questions about what you want to gain from the information. To help you out, we have created some questions below.

Ask yourself these questions before listening to the audio:

  • What does Lise say will get her anywhere?
  • What is required to perform at high levels?
  • What are the benefits of these?
  • NLP is especially helpful to goal-oriented people with concrete needs looking for what 3 things?
  • Name at least 4 areas where NLP helps elite athletes and others seeking peak performance.
  • Using emotional control and combatting negative self-talk will take Lise’s clients from what state – to what state?
  • Looking at the list of elite athletes and peak performance people can you think of anyone who wouldn’t benefit from the NLP techniques that she uses?
  • What does Lise say affects your thoughts, which in turn affects your behaviour?
  • Who did Lise work with before working with elite athletes and high performers?
  • Sports coaches help with behaviour on the technical and tactical side for the athletes. Where does Lise’s work focus?
  • Lise helps by making adjustments according to whose goals?
  • Athletes and high performers are looking to grab hold of things that are?
  • Lise uses an NLP technique that is called “30 seconds to …” what?
  • Lise had already taken NLP training before finding Life Potential Developments NLP Training Online. What is the reason she loves our online training?
  • Lise works with athletes pre-competition, during competition and post-competition keeping what at bay? And retaining what?
  • To be most effective, “athletes need to be in the …. “ what?
  • Even if you are not an athlete, you can improve your performance using what skills?
  • Mental training doesn’t ever shrink you. It does what?
  • Lise works with motivation goal setting, and having the right attitude. She does this by helping others create different states using what?
  • For Athletes and high performers, why is it important to be able to rebound and refocus?
  • What are the 4 Cs that Lise mentioned?
  • Lise and other athletes and high performers give back to the community. Why is this important?
  • Why does Lise start with a needs assessment using active listening skills as we teach in NLP?
  • What methods does Lise use to guide her clients to overcome their problems and create positive outcomes?
  • What does Lise use to keep in touch with her clients worldwide as she travels around the world, too?
  • What NLP processes does Lise use when top performers have a confidence drop, even if they are half a world apart?
  • What was Lise’s first answer when Ronda asked for motivational tips for clients’ success, and why do the quick tools of NLP work so well with that?
  • What has the biggest impact on the athlete’s or high performer’s feelings, performance and behaviours? And why is that so important to be successful?
  • How do you perceive yourself now?
  • Listen to the audio and then ask yourself: How do I want to be perceiving myself now?