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Relationship Advice: How To Remove Negative People From Your Life

Relationship Advice is free from almost everyone, but like anything else, that’s worth what you pay for it.

And because relationships are our sole food, meaning they are instrumental to our mental health, they are worth whatever it costs to get them right.

Whether it’s your personal life or professional life, if you have relationships with negative people, your happiness and success will be severely stunted, perhaps even shut down.

And we’ve all had them, relationships that suck our energy and leave us feeling like $#!+. But what if you still have them? What if you are still suffering from being in a relationship with a negative person who is sucking your life energy away today?

Has it helped to get relationship advice from your friends or family? No!

Because you’re not like them. And you’re certainly not like the person who’s mistreating you. It’s not in your nature to treat people like they treat you.

So what do you do? How do you get accurate relationship advice that’s a perfect match for your situation? And how can you stop attracting these relationship vampires once and for all?

The Best 2 Pieces Of Relationship Advice

Of course, the best 2 pieces of relationship advice are:

  1. Stop these negative relationships before they start.
  2. Stop the negative relationship by removing these negative people from your life.

But I’ve already tried everything I could think of, and nothing works, you scream in an anguished, tormented voice.

Exactly, I say.

Everything YOU could think of, but that’s the problem! Because the problem originated so long ago and you keep repeating it, you don’t even realize what’s going on.

And to make matters worse, it’s now embedded into your subconscious where you can’t consciously do anything about it. We say it’s like trying to pull yourself out of quicksand using your own ponytail.

In these cases, there’s only one thing you can do … Get NLP Life Coaching. It’s the only thing that works on that level of your subconscious. And the keyword is – It Works!

And when done right by someone who’s highly trained in the art, it’s like chatting with an old friend. A friend who is not only understanding but well equipped at slaying relationship vampires.

You could call her Ronda the Relationship Vampire Slayer, but she prefers to be called Coach Ronda.

Ronda can help you change the reason you’re attracting these relationship vampires, as she had done with many relationships-challenged clients. And as she did with Helen (not her real name, of course).

Below is Helen’s letter to Coach Ronda, and Ronda’s reply, talking about her success. Perhaps it can help you put a stake in the heart of your relationship, vampires?

A Happy Outcome

From Helen:

“A couple of months ago, I spoke to you about a challenging relationship coming to an end. And you helped me by pointing out that any relationship based on one person helping the other wasn’t enough to sustain a lasting relationship.

Before starting a new relationship, you also suggested I ask myself what value does this person bring into my life besides me having a good feeling helping them?

I wanted to share the value of this seemingly simple advice with you and how not having this negative person in my life anymore has immediately impacted me.

Wow, Wow, Wow… although my business was good, we tripled our monthly income two months in a row now. It’s hard to believe how much energy I put into helping this person. It drained my energy and kept me from focusing on doing better in my own life.

If one negative person leaving my life helped this much, I wonder what would happen if I removed them all?

Is there a simple checklist to follow to remove negative people from our lives?”

– Helping Helen Renewed

Dear Helping Helen Renewed,

Congratulations on your new success, both in business and for wanting to help others with what you learned.

Your helping nature shines through, and as long as you follow the simple checklist I’ve included, these negative people will leave your life just as quickly as your new success came into your life.

Negative people feed their fire on what they are getting from you. If you stop feeding their fire, they will simply go away.

The big question that always arises when removing negative people from your life is: What if they are family? What if they are your mother, father, child, spouse etc.?

Family can be the most negative people on your list.

And since there is a good chance there is some positive pleasure you receive from them, then set boundaries around the amount of time you spend with them. Limit visits and telephone calls within a comfortable time frame for you.

If ‘Yeah but’ comes to mind. Ask yourself this question: How important is it to enrich your life, both personally and professionally?

“The biggest gift towards your future is to be generous towards your present … events and people in our lives don’t control our lives … our decisions do!”

Coach Ronda 

Wow! did you get that last line? “Events and people in our lives don’t control our lives … our decisions do!”

That means you get to make the decision of what you will do next. So will you decide differently now that you know there is relief available?

Or will you just keep screaming in anguish, “but I’ve already tried everything I could think of, and nothing works” in that tormented voice?