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Be More Successful By Asking Yourself 3 Simple Questions Every Day

Have you ever stayed awake at night thinking about how you can be more successful?

Being more successful is most often connected to money, but success can mean many things. Personally, for me, it meant having a successful relationship. So, whatever success means to you is what matters.

You can do many things to be more successful, but none so easy as asking yourself these 3 simple questions every day.

And here’s what makes it so drop-dead simple, you don’t have to exert one little brain muscle to get the answer. Why? Because your all-powerful subconscious mind will give it to you simply by asking the question.

Is that super cool or what? It’s part of your subconscious mind’s job to come up with answers to questions and problems.

We teach successful outcomes more thoroughly in our NLP Training Online, but for now, start by following these 3 steps.

The most important thing is to ask yourself the right questions that will give you the most opportunity to be more successful. 

Don’t waste your time and effort asking the type of questions like, “why can’t I be more successful?” that will only give you a recorded belief you keep playing over and over. Not a valid answer.

If your question starts with a “Why?” it’s guaranteed your subconscious mind will only deliver a belief you have.

And you don’t have to make your questions complex or difficult; use the KISS formula – Keep It Simple Smarty!

To Be More Successful: Simple Question #1

The first question to be more successful is: “What 3 Important People Will I Connect With Today?”

Many years ago, when I first started asking myself this question, I used to ask, “What 3 Important People Will I ‘Meet’ Today?” But times change.

We don’t always meet in person the people we deal with; nowadays, we can connect with social media to be more successful. Even by reading this post, you’ve connected with me.

But the key is to ask, What 3 Important People, and don’t get hung up on the number. Some days you may only connect with one person; other days, it may be 5 – 6 or more people.

The important thing is to make sure to ask the question when you start your day.

Simple Question #2

The 2nd question connects with the first in setting you up to be more successful.

Ask yourself, “What Important Things Will I Learn From Them?” 

Your subconscious mind will work on answering this question automagically when you connect to people. You don’t have to remember it consciously. Just ask yourself this second question after you ask the first question.

Simple Question #3

The 3rd question, to be more successful, will now connect with question one and question two.

Still keeping it simple, your third question to ask is: “How Will That Benefit Me?”

Your first question – What 3 Important People Will I Connect With Today, followed by – What Will I Learn From Them? Then topped off with – How Will That Benefit Me? gives you a hat trick (as they say in Hockey, eh).

Budda-bing, Budda-bang, Budda-boom!

At The End Of The Day

At the end of the day, take some time to go over the answers you have. Don’t worry about perfection. Just notice what you have and try to improve on that tomorrow.

NLP teaches you how to understand and use that fantastic brain of yours to be more successful. And to enjoy life and be less stressed.

We teach many  NLP Techniques you can use to improve your life and happiness. Some we teach in a post like this, some we have in small programs, and we have our NLP Training Online for a thorough understanding.

NLP Techniques are to use, so start now using your subconscious mind’s power to become more successful.