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What Is NLP Used For? Or, What Are Some Uses Of NLP?

The question “What is NLP used for?” or, what are some uses of NLP is a far better question than “What is NLP.” Because every single person on earth can have a different experience using NLP and, therefore, a different understanding of NLP.

Uses of NLP subjective experience

That’s why they say NLP is a subjective experience.

And, because NLP is mainly a subjective experience, the answer to what it is could be different for every person who experiences it.

For example, say you and a friend both took our NLP Training. If your friend’s experience was discovering how to have better, more fulfilling relationships, that could be your friend’s definition of NLP.

Meanwhile, the same training gave you a life-changing experience whereby you gained total self-confidence. Then that would be your definition of what NLP is.

Multiply that by thousands of different experiences and then try to get one answer for “What is NLP.”

As you can see, with so many possible experiences, each different from the other, satisfying the question with one answer would be impossible.

What Are Some Uses Of NLP?

For over twenty years, I’ve coached and trained people worldwide to use NLP. Below is a short list of the more popular uses of NLP. (the list is in no particular order and in no way near complete)

  • A way to really get rid of anger – (this was a big one for me)
  • Lose weight
  • Stop eating certain foods
  • Relieve Stress
  • Sleep Better
  • Remove a phobia (gently)
  • Get rid of the fear of heights (another one of mine)
  • Get rid of the fear of flying
  • Totally remove anguish – loss of loved one
  • Build confidence
  • Stop Nightmares – e.g. worms from fingers, drowning etc.
  • Learn to spell better (children and adults love this)
  • Learn easier and faster
  • Overcome Fear of Speaking in Public (small or large groups)
  • Stop reliving hurtful feelings
  • Break the drug habit
  • Stop Drinking Alcohol
  • Stop Smoking
  • Feel at Peace in your life
  • Change Stuck Thinking – Thoughts that hold you back, e.g. money is evil, I’m a failure etc.
  • Stop Habits You Don’t Want
  • Create Habits You Do Want
  • Solving Problems Easier
  • Creative Thinking
  • Mediation
  • Persuasion
  • Remove Sales Blocks – Sell better the right way
  • Marketing
  • Leadership – leaders have to know people to best work with them.
  • PTSD – NLP definitely has the key here, as most’ professionals’ still have little clue.
  • Get A Can-Do Attitude
  • Think Better of Yourself
  • Find That Perfect Partner (another big one for me:)
  • Become a coach, help others

What you can accomplish with NLP is limitless.

Browse the list and see if any of these connect with your situation or passion.

If there is an example that you do connect with, then please investigate more thoroughly. And if you want to ask us questions, you can Contact Us here.

There’s nothing you cannot do with NLP or do better because it works at the deepest level of your subconscious to effect real and lasting change. The kind of change that can affect your life absolutely and wonderfully positively.